The podcast is 2.5 hours long (good books generate great conversation); below are the show notes with the approximate time each podcast starts. Enjoy!
Ellipses, the CHS New Media Podcast (Download the file via right click + Save Link As)
Episode 1
Introductory song: Twitter Tweetin’ by Carrie Dahlby (courtesy of Music Alley)
Announcers: Chris Napoleon and Francesca Resnick
1 minute: No Safety in Numbers by : Podcast by Ms. Gesin and Francesca
- Summary of the Book
- Personal opinions on the book and its characters
- How the book relates to the The Breakfast Club
- Criticism of the book
- Closing Summary
- Summary of the Book
- Thoughts and predictions of how the book will end
- Analysis of the characters
- Comparison between the United States and the Netherlands, where the book takes place.
- Personal opinions of the book
- Closing Summary
41 minutes: Free by Chris Anderson: Podcast by Megan and Jake
- Discussion about how companies make money from free services.
- Story about the Monty Python Youtube channel and marketing plan.
- Four separate Free Marketing Plans discussed in book
- Direct Cross
- The Three Party Market
- Freemium
- Non-monetary Markets
- Overall opinions of book
- Closing Summary
1 hour: Start Something That Matters by Blake Mycoskie: Podcast by Jackie and Margaret
- Summary of the Book
- Personal opinions of the book and of the TOMS business plan
- Personal experiences that relate to the topics discussed in the book
- Discussion about the future of the business world
- Closing Summary
- Summary of Book’s main points
- Analyzing Google’s philosophy
- Customer Service Discussion
- Discussion about the openness of the web
- Overall Opinions of the book followed by class debate and discussion
- Closing Summary
1 hour 40 minutes: The Facebook Effect by David Kirkpatrick: Podcast by Andrew and Ronak
- Purpose and importance of the actual Facebook Effect
- Comparing/Contrasting “The Facebook Effect” and “The Social Network”
- How Mark Zuckerberg really started Facebook from his dorm room
- Exchange of opinions on David Kirkpatrick’s writing and questionable objectivity as author.
- Discussion of Mark Zuckerberg’s character and personality
- Analysis of David Kirkpatrick’s predictions about Facebook in the future
- The Importance of Facebook in modern society
- Closing Summary
1 hour 59 minutes Monkey Wrench by PJ Tracy: Podcast by Evan and Jake
- Summary of the Book
- Opinions of the Book
- Class-wide discussion regarding violent video games and mass shootings.
- Observations of the actual reality of the book
- Audience questions and answers about which video games they wish were real
- Are violent video games and weak gun laws the cause of these shootings?
- Closing Summary
Closing song: Facebook Me by Jeff Kornberg (courtesy of Music Alley)
bueno, guys!!!!!!
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